Architectural rulers, also known as scale rulers, are specialized measuring tools used in architecture, interior design, engineering and drafting. They allow the user to accurately measure and draw to scale.
Types of Scale Rulers
There are a few common types of scale rulers:
- Architectural Scale - These have multiple scales like 1:20, 1:50, 1:100, etc engraved on them allowing you to measure drawings in different architectural scales.
- Engineer Scale - These have scales relevant to engineering drawings like 1:2, 1:5, 1:10, 1:20 inches, etc.
- Metric Scale - These have metric unit scales like 1:20, 1:50, 1:100 cm.
- Specialty Scales - Some specialty scale rulers have less common scales like 1:30, 1:75, etc.
How to Read the Scales
Architectural scale rulers have two sides, with each side divided into segments showing different scales.
- The larger numbers shown in regular font indicate whole units (feet or meters typically).
- The smaller italicized numbers right below them indicate how that segment is divided into smaller units.
For example, a segment marked 0__'_10_''_ means 0 feet to 10 feet. The _''_ marks show that this segment is divided into inches.
So if you wanted to measure 2 feet 6 inches, you would look for the 2 foot mark, and then go 6 marks over in the _''_ divisions.
Measuring with a Scale Ruler
Follow these steps to measure using a scale ruler:
1. Identify the scale you need to measure in - for example 1/4" = 1'
2. Find that scale on your scale ruler.
3. Align the 0 end of that scale segment with the starting point you want to measure from on your drawing.
4. Read off the measurement on that scale's markings to determine the distance or length you want to measure.
5. You may need to deduct the starting point's measurement if you did not align the 0 mark exactly to the start.
It takes some practice getting used to reading and measuring with scale rulers correctly.Having an architectural or scale ruler handy allows designers, engineers, architects and drafters to quickly take measurements on scaled drawings and plans. Mastering how to read the different scales takes some practice, but is an essential skill for any professional working with technical drawings.
Types of Scale Rulers
There are a few common types of scale rulers:
- Architectural Scale - These have multiple scales like 1:20, 1:50, 1:100, etc engraved on them allowing you to measure drawings in different architectural scales.
- Engineer Scale - These have scales relevant to engineering drawings like 1:2, 1:5, 1:10, 1:20 inches, etc.
- Metric Scale - These have metric unit scales like 1:20, 1:50, 1:100 cm.
- Specialty Scales - Some specialty scale rulers have less common scales like 1:30, 1:75, etc.
How to Read the Scales
Architectural scale rulers have two sides, with each side divided into segments showing different scales.
- The larger numbers shown in regular font indicate whole units (feet or meters typically).
- The smaller italicized numbers right below them indicate how that segment is divided into smaller units.
For example, a segment marked 0__'_10_''_ means 0 feet to 10 feet. The _''_ marks show that this segment is divided into inches.
So if you wanted to measure 2 feet 6 inches, you would look for the 2 foot mark, and then go 6 marks over in the _''_ divisions.
Measuring with a Scale Ruler
Follow these steps to measure using a scale ruler:
1. Identify the scale you need to measure in - for example 1/4" = 1'
2. Find that scale on your scale ruler.
3. Align the 0 end of that scale segment with the starting point you want to measure from on your drawing.
4. Read off the measurement on that scale's markings to determine the distance or length you want to measure.
5. You may need to deduct the starting point's measurement if you did not align the 0 mark exactly to the start.
It takes some practice getting used to reading and measuring with scale rulers correctly.Having an architectural or scale ruler handy allows designers, engineers, architects and drafters to quickly take measurements on scaled drawings and plans. Mastering how to read the different scales takes some practice, but is an essential skill for any professional working with technical drawings.